Wednesday, December 4, 2019

Ducted Fujitsu Air Conditioners

As the summers are getting hotter than ever, air conditioning is becoming increasingly important for people. Since the temperatures look set to be on the higher end this coming summers, it’s a good time to invest in an air conditioner. However, the biggest hurdle is deciding which one would suit your home. There are so many options available and you don’t want to spend money on an air conditioner that isn’t suitable for your needs. If you live in a big house and don’t want separate units for each room then ducted air conditioners can be a good fit for you. The ducted Fujitsu air conditioners would especially be ideal for your home. We’ll show you why and how you can benefit from ducted air conditioning systems.
Saves Money in the Long Run
Fujitsu is one of the most popular air conditioner brands in Australia. All of the air conditioners produced by the company offer matchless comfort. However, the ducted air conditioners are especially known for providing excellent cooling no matter what the temperature is outside. Moreover, they can also save you money in the long run. These air conditioners are more energy-efficient than ductless air conditioners. Thus, they provide superior cooling without consuming too much electric power. You might have to spend more money upfront when purchasing them, but they will significantly reduce your energy bills. Thus, spending money on them is a wise longterm decision.
Offers Flexibility in Installation
Installation is usually considered a drawback of ducted air conditioners. You need to install a series of ducts throughout your home to get these air conditioner working. However, this is only a one-time expense. The placement of these ducts is quite beneficial for you. It gives you the freedom to install the indoor units of the Fujitsu ducted air conditioners anywhere in the room. You can have the unit placed in the ceiling, the floor or any of the walls. This flexibility is something that you won’t find in other types of air conditioners. Moreover, you won’t have to worry about the placement of the outdoor unit too. It will be placed on the ceiling, far away from the room. 

Integrates Seamlessly with Interior Décor
The indoor units of the Fujitsu ducted air conditioners are designed to seamlessly integrate with the existing interior décor of the room. They have a minimalist design and they don’t take up too much space either. You won’t even notice them in the room unless you know what to look for. Again, this seamless integration is another advantage that ductless air conditioners don’t provide. Though, if you don’t want your air conditioner to interfere with the interior décor of the room then the Fujitsu ducted air conditioners are the right choice for you. 

Offers More Temperature Control
The ducted Fujitsu air conditioners are far better than their ductless counterparts when it comes to temperature control as well. Unlike them, the ducted air conditioners can control the temperature within a room much more effectively. You can use the additional controls it offers to turn off cooling in specific areas of the home whenever you want. 

Air-Rite is a provider of high-quality air conditioners and offers services for air conditioner installation, servicing and repair. If you’re thinking of purchasing a ducted Fujitsu air conditioner for your home or office, contact Air-Rite for a free quote. 

Tuesday, November 26, 2019

Fujitsu Aircon Maintenance

Air conditioners are a necessity. You can’t survive the long summer days without having the air conditioner to cool your home. Fujitsu air conditioners are considered the best in Australia when it comes to cooling homes and office buildings. However, even these air conditioners can’t effectively provide cooling to you if they are poorly maintained. Aircon maintenance is something that you shouldn’t neglect. Still, most people don’t give much attention to it. A Fujitsu air conditioner is supposed to save you money on your energy bills but if it is not maintained regularly, it is going to do the opposite. So, how should you maintain your Fujitsu air conditioner? Here is how.

Clean the Filters of the Indoor Unit

The indoor unit of a Fujitsu air conditioner has filters located inside it which are there to prevent dust particles from entering the air conditioner. This dust continues to accumulate on the filters if the air conditioner is regularly used. Now, if this dust is not cleaned from time to time, it is going to restrict airflow. This restriction in airflow is going to cause the air conditioner to take longer to cool the room. The air conditioner will run longer and thus, consume more power, resulting in an increase in your energy bills. So, if you don’t want all that then you should clean these filters on a bi-weekly or monthly basis. 

Remove Debris from the Outdoor Unit

Just like the indoor unit has filters, the outdoor unit of a Fujitsu air conditioner has fins. These fins are responsible for cooling the warm air coming from the indoor unit. If these fins have debris on them or their movement is restricted then they won’t be able to effectively cool the warm air. This will again cause the compressor of the air conditioner to work overtime, causing a hike in the energy bills. A simple way to avoid this is to make sure that the outdoor unit is debris-free and there is nothing restricting the movement of its fins.

Invest in Professional Servicing

While cleaning the filters of the indoor unit and removing the debris from the fins of the outdoor unit help, they aren’t enough. You need to have your Fujitsu air conditioner serviced by a professional at least twice a year. The professional you choose for this purpose needs to be a licensed air conditioner technician. They can take a look at the internal components of the air conditioner and make sure that everything is working as it is supposed to be. Moreover, they can also detect and resolve any issues that might be developing within the air conditioner.  

Don’t Set the Temperature too Low

On hot summer days, you might be tempted to set the air conditioner at its coldest setting. However, setting the temperature too low won’t cool your home quickly. In fact, it will simply put pressure on the system and can lead to a fault. This is why Fujitsu air conditioners should be operated at temperatures higher than 23 degrees Celsius. 

Air-Rite is a trusted provider of installation and repair services for air conditioners all over Australia. Feel free to get in touch with us if you want to buy a Fujitsu air conditioner for your home.